An Ode to a Human Life

As I complete the 27th cycle around the mighty sun

I reflect;

On what it really means

To be human;

But to get here, I had to first

Reach deep, deep within my soul somewhere,

I had to give myself permission

To be fully human;

To embrace this rubbery flesh,

Guided by a group of highly-connected master-cells,

For long, I have carried the shame of being human,

(And for good reason, have ya’ll seen us lately?!?)

But what this shame cannot

And should not do is

Shroud the marvel that is also being human.

Our bodies and souls were nurtured here:

The universe’s darling planet,

A tiny celestial rock was granted life: Mamma Earth.

This life, not gonna lie,

Can feel like a blessing as well as a curse.

The eternal balance would be such that

Actions and consequences (aka karma??)

Flowed in and out of one another,

Making it simpler for life to grow in its environment.

Life acts,

Environment (human+non-human) reacts,

And depending on the action,

Life is either blessed or cursed by Environment.

But what happens when the consequences can NEVER find

A way back to Life that caused the action,

And instead, innocent Lives are lost.

This karmic debt bears me down

(As it should, as is natural)

But we shall not succumb to it.

We shall (and must) rise above it,

To tip the scales back in the right direction,

To bring ourselves to a human trial

Before the sky (invariably) falls down on us

To take us back home.

Before the children are swept up by water,

There must be justice,

So that we may finally,

Finally have some sweet peace.

To my pessimistic boos,

Who know that the apocalypse is already well-underway,

And feel like there is no point in even trying:

My dear ladies and gentlefolks,

If we must live through an apocalypse,

Wouldn’t you rather,

(In fact, now, more than ever)

We live in harmony,

As the family

That we have always been,

Instead of spiralling into chaos and confusion.

It’s true that we may never escape Nature’s judgement

But what can do is

Try ourselves,

Re-work our actions, and

Intend to bring balance back to Life

Before it inevitably and beautifully ends.