I Saw The Wolf In My Sleep

I saw the Wolf in my sleep.
You’d call it a nightmare;
Hear me out, okay?
We were locked in an embrace,
His sharp paws swiftly cruising through territories that he’s all too familiar with.
Maybe it was the comfort of his familiarity that I craved,
Are you, in fact, telling me that this comfort isn’t long overdue?
I could hear the ocean inside of him
And how can that be a nightmare?
It felt like parts of me were finally glued together
So what if they weren’t glued together right?
At least they weren’t falling apart…
Maybe he didn’t whisper sweet nothings in my ear
But I could still hear
His rib cage expanding into a breath;
‘Twas the closest I’d been to a person’s heartbeat in so damn long.
So what if his kisses made me bleed,
Or if looking into his cold eyes sent chills down my spine?
What if his nail’s etched fresh wounds on the sides of my thighs…
He was just caressing what he loved,
So what if he only made room for skin,  not words?
He was just a Wolf being a wolf, you silly girl…

But you call it a nightmare,
So answer me this:
Why does waking up into real life feel worse?
Why does this morning feel like I’m not me,
But fragments of me scattered all over the floor?
Eyes that return from nightmare don’t long for more;

I hope you never know the horror of waking up into a nightmare
Instead of waking up from one…

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