So when machines hang, they need to be restarted. And it’s a process, not a procedure. It needs to gracefully shut all its applications down, shut itself down, minding the loose processes, ensuring no damage is caused to any software. And that’s just half the work down. Then starts the tiring process of rebooting. Rebuilding the data, rebuilding the software. Re-starting every single process, one at a time. Addressing all the issues that it had artfully neglected while it was on the last time. There’re countless notifications, reminding it that it isn’t perfect, perhaps very far from it but there is hope. It’s still re-starting. There is always hope. And slowly, but surely, there it is, up and running, so much lighter, so much faster than before, having gracefullty dealt with whatever caused it to malfunction the last time.

So when a machine that computes 2378221921 X 42398212 in a fraction of a milisecond, takes at least a few minutes to complete this process, how much time should you allow your soul?

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